No-Cost Breastfeeding Education & Lactation Support

No-Cost Breastfeeding Education & Lactation Support

MFHS is here for you — and your baby!

Every breastfeeding journey is unique, and we want to help you reach your breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be. Every mom and mom-to-be in our service area deserves access to appropriate, no-cost breastfeeding education, personalized lactation counseling, and resources — no matter their insurance status or income.

In August 2024, in alignment with World Breastfeeding Month, MFHS launched our No-Cost Breastfeeding Education & Lactation Support program. Under a generous grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Health & Human Services, MFHS is now able to provide free breastfeeding guidance and lactation support to all pregnant and/or parenting women in Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Northampton, Monroe, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties.

Our on-staff Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) and Peer Educators are ready to offer valuable information and resources virtually and in-person. Our team is trained extensively on techniques to promote and support your breastfeeding efforts. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Advantages of breastfeeding for mother and baby
  • How to breastfeed
  • Helpful hints and where to find trusted resources online
  • Problem solving techniques
  • Referrals for additional breastfeeding help or solutions to specific breastfeeding issues

During your free breastfeeding education and lactation support visit, MFHS can provide:

  • Factual education about breastfeeding
  • Information about breast pumps and how to obtain them
  • Answers to breastfeeding questions
  • Latch assessment and troubleshooting tips for mom and baby
  • Referrals to other beneficial MFHS programs like WIC or Nurse-Family Partnership
  • Breastfeeding education during pregnancy and continued, accessible, no-cost lactation support as baby grows through toddlerhood

An appointment with an MFHS Certified Lactation Counselor or Peer Educator requires no out-of-pocket expense. None!

Privately insured? No problem. Your lactation counseling session with MFHS is completely free, and we will not bill your insurance.

Under-insured or navigating pregnancy or parenthood without insurance? Don’t worry. Your lactation counseling session with MFHS will cost you $0. 

Never visited an MFHS office before? That’s OK — and we can’t wait to meet you. If you don’t live close to any of our MFHS locations, you can request a phone call or a telehealth (video) appointment. 

Have you already visited with a lactation professional but would like a refresher? Or are you privately insured and hesitant to schedule more visits because of out-of-pocket costs? We understand that your breastfeeding questions may change as your baby grows and as you navigate different life circumstances. Going back to school or work can shake things up and we are here to help you through it. Any lactation support sessions with MFHS team members are free, no matter how many previous appointments you have made or how many different lactation support professionals you’ve already seen.

No matter your situation or circumstance, we’re able to provide you with the breastfeeding guidance and lactation support you need — and deserve — to reach your personal breastfeeding goals. 

Reach out to us at 1-800-FOR-MFHS and ask to schedule an in-person or virtual session with a Certified Lactation Counselor or Peer Counselor today.

PS — Breastfeeding support and lactation counseling sessions aren’t just for moms who are currently breastfeeding. Getting educated and empowered before baby is born is so important for moms-to-be and expectant parents. Let’s help you make a plan now and gain confidence as you prepare for parenthood and breastfeeding.

Not sure if asking for breastfeeding help and visiting a lactation professional is for you? We promise, almost every woman we see learns something new and grows more confident after a conversation with one of our team members.

Click here to learn about what you can expect from your visit with us.

Ready to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with an MFHS Certified Lactation Counselor or Peer Educator? Reach out to us at 1-800-FOR-MFHS today.

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