Join us for #NEPAMatchDay 2018

For the 4th year in a row, the first Friday in May will be NEPA Match Day! The Scranton Area Community Foundation has assembled an amazing group of 25 nonprofit agencies serving the people of Lackawanna County for the 2018 NEPA Match Day collective. Maternal & Family Health Services is proud to be part of this group again!
In the months leading up to May 4, 2018, the collective will work together to spread the word about the critical work being done in our region by these nonprofits. Then, on May 4th, for every dollar you donate to one of the participating partners, the Scranton Area Community Foundation will match your donation…dollar-for-doll
By working together for 24 hours, we have the ability to strengthen our community and the nonprofits that strive to make our community a better place to live by over $50,000! For the past two years, NEPA Match Day has far exceeded the $50,000 goal, but the success of NEPA Match Day depends entirely on the gifts you make to the NEPA Match Day collective on May 4th.
You can learn more about Match Day by visiting the Scranton Area Foundation’s website.
So, on Friday, May 4, 2018, please consider making a contribution directly to one of these terrific nonprofits:
1. Alzheimer’s Association
2. Catherine McAuley Center
3. Children’s Advocacy Center of NEPA
4. Countryside Conservancy
5. Dress for Success Lackawanna
7. Everhart Museum
8. Greater Carbondale YMCA
9. Greater Scranton YMCA
10. Heritage Valley Partners
11. Indraloka Animal Sanctuary
12. Jewish Family Service of NEPA
13. Junior League of Scranton
14. Lacawac Sanctuary and Field Station
15. Lackawanna Pro Bono
16. Leadership Lackawanna
17. Marley’s Mission
18. Maternal and Family Health Services
19. Meals on Wheels of NEPA
20. NEPA Rainbow Alliance
21. Northeast Regional Cancer Institute
22. Scranton Cultural Center at the Masonic Temple
23. The Arc of NEPA
24. United Neighborhood Centers
25. Women’s Resource Center
*Please give directly to the nonprofit of your choice. If you would like to support the entire NEPA Match Day collective, you can donate to the Scranton Area Community Foundation. Any NEPA Match Day gifts received by the Foundation will be divided equally between the above-listed nonprofits.